Россия, 173004, Великий Новгород, ул. Черемного-Конюхова, д.8, т. (8816-2) 946-946, +79212011469, +79524806613, E-mail: jarvn@yandex.ru
2000 Founded in 1919, Junior Achievement is the world’s oldest, largest and fastest-growing non-profit economic education organization. Junior Achievement International develops and serves Junior Achievement programs 108 countries. The MISSION of Junior Achievement International is: “To recognize and serve Member Nations that develop and implement economic education programs for young people through a partnership between business and education. The programs are implemented by Member Nations to help young people gain an understanding of: v the importance of market-driven economies; v the role of business in a global economy; v the commitment of business to environmental and social issues; v the commitment of business to operate in an ethical manner; v the relevance of education in the workplace; and, v the impact of economics on their future.” Junior Achievement International’s entrepreneurial, business and economic education programs are designed to meet the needs of primary, secondary, and university level students and are offered in 36 languages. Currently over five million students annually participate in Junior Achievement programs around the world, from Albania to Zimbabwe. Since it's founding, Junior Achievement programs have benefited over 40 million young people worldwide. Junior Achievement International and all 108 member nations are supported by private sector contributions from corporations, foundations, individuals and community organizations such as Rotary. Junior Achievement International is a registered non-governmental organization (NGO), 501c3 not-for-profit, private voluntary organization (PVO).
For additional information contact: Junior Achievement InternationalRotary Partnerships2780 Janitell Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 USA Tel: (719) 540-0200 / Fax: (719) 540-8770 E-mail: jai@jaintl.org Webpage: www.jaintl.org
Opportunities to Work Together in 108 Nations! Volunteer to Serve as a Classroom Mentor: Junior Achievement (JA) programs use volunteers from the local community to work with teachers, presenting JA’s entrepreneurial, business and economic education programs. Business mentors spend about 1 hour a week for 8 – 12 weeks working with students in a local school. These mentors help tsudents understand how to write a business plan and create jobs through business start-ups. Many large, well-known companies today once started out very small. Bill Hewlett and David Packard started HP in their garage. Microsoft, Apple, Ford Motor Company, Amazon.com started small. In the process of fulfilling a real need in the market place, these companies grew and created tens of thousands of jobs. Helping to educate young people about the opportunities that await them in the entrepreneurial world will help achieve Rotary's goal of eradication of poverty. You’ll find this mentoring experience Rewarding & Fun! Sponsor a Local Junior Achievement (JA) Class: The cost varies around the world, but is generally around $25 per student. Therefore, your Rotary Club could sponsor a full Junior Achievement class for $750. For a complete description of the 20 different K-12 JA educational programs visit www.jaintl.org/programs. Sponsor a Student Travel Scholarship: Many Junior Achievement Member Nations conduct International Student Conferences. Often, local JA organizations look for travel scholarships to send the best and brightest students to a Junior Achievement International Student Conference. Link Your Rotary Club with Another Rotary Club by Sponsoring JA GLOBE Class: The JA GLOBE program is a High School/University level program in which students form a joint venture business with students in another country. They study international trade and actually import and export products to one another. The program involves a student exchange. Why not sponsor a local GLOBE class and link with one of your sister Rotary Clubs in another country? For a complete description of GLOBE, visit www.jaintl.org/globe.
For information on how to contact the Junior Achievement organization nearest you, please visit our web site at www.jaintl.org, then click on “Member Nations,” and select the country you are interested in and click Go! The contact information for Junior Achievement in that country will be displayed.
Case Example: Pasadena, California USA craycarlson@usa.net
The Rotary Club of Altadena's involvement with local schools began five years ago when it's current president, C. Ray Carlson, and other club members began teaching as part of their Vocational Service to the community. A total of 422 students from low income neighborhoods, have been taught "Enterprise in Action" and "International Marketplace." The objective is to stimulate the students to understand how businesses operate and even to think about starting their own businesses someday and thereby create jobs for these low income groups. The local JA program became a stepping stone to helping JA in Tijuana, Mexico and in Armenia as part of International Service. Five clubs in District 5300 (stretching from Pasadena to Las Vegas) each donated $500, which was matched by District Share Funds, then the total was matched again by the Rotary Foundation to give a total of $10,000 for each region abroad. This is repeated each year for JA's expansion into a new region in Armenia, for example, so that eventually the whole nation's secondary schools will have JA as mandated by the Minister of Education. According to Carlson, "The 'eradication of poverty' is a goal of Rotary International, and JA is a cost-effective way to achieve this." C. Ray Carlson chairs a JA committee within his local Rotary district. His goal is to build partnerships between Rotary and JA and he is currently developing these with Rotary Clubs in Israel, Kenya, Turkey and Dominican Republic. He hosted a booth on behalf of his district at the Rotary International Conference in Buenos Aires this year that highlighted the possiblities for Rotary/JA partnerships to attack poverty.
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